quarta-feira, dezembro 28, 2005

Pluto Drive

Let's go to Pluto
The atmosphere's clear
We'll be really cool there
With nothing to fear

Let's go to Pluto
It's cold and it's damp
Where children are heroes
And death is high camp

I want to see Pluto
I want to have fun
I want to turn blue
Under an alien sun

Oh let me see Pluto
It seems such a gas
With oceans of methane
And petrified grass

Let's go to Pluto
Let's live on the dot
See the bad moon rising
In a lunacy knot

Come on let's do Pluto
It's really not far
An unleaded dream drive
To the prettiest star

I want to see Pluto
But maybe I'll wait
Til the earth turns to meet
It's plutonium fate

The days will be long here
The years will be more
Let's go to Pluto
Like we did before

Let's go to Pluto
Let's live on the dot
See the bad moon risingIn a lunacy knot

3 comentários:

Lu disse...

Foi o L.Gato que me lembrou da música... Logo à noite vou ligar o gira-discos...


Carlos Gouveia disse...

...e ouves a agulha do braço a tocar no vinyl. Um toque. Fechas os olhos e vês os pontos brancos da lua celeste do planeta. Do teu planeta.

Lu disse...

Pluto é sem dúvida o meu planeta. É onde eu estou quando não estou cá!